Bharat is My Home Long Summary (500 words) || Bharat is My Home by Dr. Zakir Hussain


Bharat is My Home

Dr. Zakir Hussain

Summary in Hindi

Dr. Zakir Husain was an eminent educationist. He was elected the President of India in 1967. 'Bharat is My Home' is an extract from the speech he gave after taking the oath of the Presidency. He is overwhelmed by the trust the people of India placed in him by electing him to the highest office. First of all he plays his tribute to his predecessor, Dr. Radhakrishnan. He says that Radhakrishnan was a man of great learning. He explained to the world Indian Philosophical thought and the unity of all spiritual values. He had firm faith in the essential goodness of man and championed the right of man to live in dignity with justice.
Dr. Zakir Husain entered the office of the Presidency in all humility. He took the oath of loyalty to the Constitution of India. He says that India is an ancient land though it won her freedom recently. On account of long colonial rule, India is faced with many problems. There is poverty and illiteracy. These problems have to be solved. There is need for the renewal of her culture, and material c=reconstruction. For this each one of us has to contribute.
Dr. Zakir Hussain makes his observation in a special context of India. India comprises many ethnic groups. All of them have striven together for thousands of years to realize certain values. Those values belong to the people of India. We are to uphold those values now. And they will shape the future course of our culture and civilization. No doubt those values become inadequate with circumstances, but they are never dead or static.

India is beautiful and graceful. He pledges to serve the people without any discrimination of colour, caste, language and religion. The task of reconstruction of the nation is challenging. He calls upon all his countrymen to work tirelessly and sincerely for the reconstruction of material and cultural life of the nation. According to him this work has two aspects--individual and social. The individual aspect requires the moral development of self. The social aspect requires working for the advancement of the society. The two aspects are the two sides of the same coin. One is not possible without the other. The individual can achieve his full stature in only a just and graceful social order. Dr. Zakir Husain supports Gandhian idea of state. He considers the state as a moral organisation and not an organisation of brutal power. The state should use its power for moral purposes only. Dr. Zakir Husain has faith in the people's capability to work for the achievement of these goals. He promises to do all he can to help them.


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